Dry skin is a year round issue. The last thing you want when you show off your wedding ring to your guests is dry, flakey skin! So if you want your skin to look buffed and polished, and beautifully moisturised, then read on. Not only does a good exfoliation get rid of dead skin cells, the circular massage motions increases blood flow which leaves your skin looking radiant.
For our lemon sugar scrub, you will need:
100ml olive oil
200g caster sugar
1 lemon
Clean empty jam jar, or Kilner jar
(This fills one small jam jar. You can easily make a larger quantity, just aim for roughly 1-part oil to 2-parts sugar)
Spoon into clean jam jars or retro Kilner jars, add a label and tie it on with twine or ribbon. And that's it! It really is that simple.
Use on your hands twice a week and you'll soon notice the difference. Why not use it on your feet, elbow and knees too? These also make great gifts, just be sure to tell anyone who has sensitive skin to rub gently.
As this is a totally natural product, we recommend that you store it out of direct sunlight and in a cool place.
Henry and Flora x